La calidad educativa de Lucía Figar ya está en marcha. Nuevos profesores , todos se reclaman en Irlanda o Inglaterra. El objetivo claro es sustituir a los profesores interinos a los que se va a despedir el día 30 de Junio.
Tras una campaña de desprestigio, la Comunidad de Madrid , y su todopoderosa Lucía Figar , hija de una de las familias más adineradas de Madrid , propietaria de la constructora OSSA, valorada en más de 200 millones de Euros, nos trae su nueva visión de la educación : la privatización y la externalidad de los contratos docentes. Que nadie se dé esperanzas de trabajar aprobando, porque si lo hace será siempre en peores condiciones que los Irlandeses u otros de habla inglesa, u otros profesores afines ideológicamente.
En un país como España, con 6 millones de parados , nuestra afable y simpática consejera de Educación ha dado la orden de terminar con los interinos en todas aquellas comunidades donde gobierna el PP.
Medios como Europa Press, en muchos casos , a las órdenes de la tan poderosa Lucía Figar han publicado informes insultantes y manipulados propuestos por la Comunidad de Madrid. Una buena campaña de desprestigio facilita el despido y la comprensión de la ciudadanía. El objetivo es claro: hacerse con las contrataciones en los colegios públicos del personal docente; lo cual supone en muchos casos partidas económicas de gran presupuesto.
En los próximos años habrá pocas plazas, las mínimas para justificarse, pero las plazas de sustitución serán cada vez mayores. La idea evidente es hacerse con el control de la Escuela Pública desde dentro. Mientras tanto, miles de profesores funcionarios de carrera siguen sin darse cuenta que un Irlandés o un profesor contratado " a dedo" pueden ser sus próximos compañeros, o sus nuevos directores de centro o jefe de estudios.
Está todo previsto, la Lomce facilitará esa contratación, y miles de profesores y maestros interinos pasarán a formar parte de las listas de parados indefinidos. España se convierte así en un país con los servicios públicos externalizados, donde la población estará al servicio de grandes empresas ( familias adineradas que acumularán gran poder social y mediático) y grandes capitales. La subordinación será habitual donde el empresario se apropia de la vida de las instituciones públicas y los ciudadanos , serán propietarios de la libertad social de la población Española.
Ahora, más que nunca, se necesita una moviliazción por los servicios públicos, y por la ciudadanía , pero sobre todo por hacer frente a una campaña de apropiación del Estado , de sus instituciones y sus servicios para entregarlos al empresariado.
Anuncio de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Music Teachers - Madrid, Spain - Spain
€25,000 - Secondary Teacher
Ref: 1318 Date Posted Wednesday 03 Apr 2013
Are you a Music teacher interested in working and living
in Spain? This is an excellent opportunity for fully qualified Music
teachers who must be fluent English speakers with European passports. No
knowledge of Spanish is required but you will be given the opportunity
to learn and expand your Spanish language skills.
The Regional Government in Madrid started an initiative to transform some of the leading public owned schools into bilingual schools in 2004. This commenced in Primary schools and progressed each year, extending to secondary schools. There are currently 297 Primary schools and 80 Secondary schools in the Madrid area involved in the project. The Regional Government in Madrid are leading the way in bilingual education and the new national government have strengthened their support to the project.
It is widely recognised that the public owned schools in Spain have a high reputation with parents and authorities, more so than other countries. It is also recognised that the Spanish schoolchildren are relatively well behaved. Pupil discipline and motivation is a more serious concern in other countries but should not be a significant concern in Madrid.
The schools will all be within commuting distance of the centre of Madrid. There is an excellent and very inexpensive public transport system in Madrid. Teachers receive full assistance with finding suitable accommodation but the teachers will have to pay rent out of the salary paid. A flat salary equivalent to €25000 per year will be paid to all teachers, regardless of level of experience. The net monthly pay should be in the region of €1800-2000 per month. Many teachers will be able to earn additional income from teaching or performing other work in their spare time. There is a very high demand for English language or private music tuition. You could add a further €1000 net per month to your earnings. Your typical day will commence by 8.30 and school will finish around 2.15pm on two or three days and around 3.15pm on others days so you have plenty of spare time to relax or do additional work.
The monthly cost of accommodation will be from around €350 per month if you share an apartment. Commuting is very cheap, perhaps €50 per month for a season ticket (€1.50 per single journey). Eating out and the general cost of food and drink in Madrid is relatively low.
Interviews are taking place this week by Skype or phone so please apply today to avoid missing out on this wonderful opportunity to teach in Madrid.
The Regional Government in Madrid started an initiative to transform some of the leading public owned schools into bilingual schools in 2004. This commenced in Primary schools and progressed each year, extending to secondary schools. There are currently 297 Primary schools and 80 Secondary schools in the Madrid area involved in the project. The Regional Government in Madrid are leading the way in bilingual education and the new national government have strengthened their support to the project.
It is widely recognised that the public owned schools in Spain have a high reputation with parents and authorities, more so than other countries. It is also recognised that the Spanish schoolchildren are relatively well behaved. Pupil discipline and motivation is a more serious concern in other countries but should not be a significant concern in Madrid.
The schools will all be within commuting distance of the centre of Madrid. There is an excellent and very inexpensive public transport system in Madrid. Teachers receive full assistance with finding suitable accommodation but the teachers will have to pay rent out of the salary paid. A flat salary equivalent to €25000 per year will be paid to all teachers, regardless of level of experience. The net monthly pay should be in the region of €1800-2000 per month. Many teachers will be able to earn additional income from teaching or performing other work in their spare time. There is a very high demand for English language or private music tuition. You could add a further €1000 net per month to your earnings. Your typical day will commence by 8.30 and school will finish around 2.15pm on two or three days and around 3.15pm on others days so you have plenty of spare time to relax or do additional work.
The monthly cost of accommodation will be from around €350 per month if you share an apartment. Commuting is very cheap, perhaps €50 per month for a season ticket (€1.50 per single journey). Eating out and the general cost of food and drink in Madrid is relatively low.
Interviews are taking place this week by Skype or phone so please apply today to avoid missing out on this wonderful opportunity to teach in Madrid.